How Much Water Does Your Child Need To Drink?

Every function inside your child’s body is regulated by and depends on their daily intake of water. Water is one of the body’s most essential nutrients.

Unfortunately, the tap water our children drink at school, and at home, no longer has the required nutritional properties to sustain their vital health. Many children do not like the taste of tap water or the smell. There are many things in water we do not want our children’s bodies to be the filter for!

Did You Know?

  • Your child loses up to 12 cups of water every day through normal bodily functions.
  • That your child’s body does not have a reserve of water? The water present in their body is already fully engaged.
  • That the brain is three-quarters water. Concentration, memory and reaction times benefit from proper hydration.
  • That blood is 90% water and without adequate water intake the volume of our blood can fall.
  • A drop of four percent in blood volume reduces your child’s body’s ability to function by 33 percent!

Why is water so important for child wellbeing and performance?

Studies show that without proper hydration, the brain cannot function properly, focus, concentrate or remember. 

What happens when a child is Water-Deficient?

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger:

So how much water should your child be drinking per day?

Through our zazen Water Ambassador School Program we teach primary school children in classrooms across Australia the importance of water; they experience how quality water improves the way they feel, behave and perform. An excerpt from one of our classroom lessons shows the Daily Drinking Chart for kids to understand their daily water needs.

The above should be considered a guide only and water requirements will vary depending on age, activity level, climate and more.

Did you know:

“This generation of children is at risk of living 10 years less than their parents!”
New England Journal of Medicine 2005

At zazen Water we know that the single most important thing we can do is address quality and quantity of the water our children drink every day!

zazen Water Purpose & Mission

To co-create a generation of wellness aware children by educating them in the classroom on the benefits of hydration and by implementing enhanced learning environments with water technologies that improve their physical and mental wellbeing”.

In 2007 we established the zazen Water Ambassador School Gifting Program because most water we drink does not hydrate us and lacks the fundamental properties to do so!

Since 2008 we have been gifting free zazen Alkaline Water Systems to primary schools across Australia. 

The zazen Water Ambassador School Program recognises that both mind and body in balance are integral to the performance of the child.

We believe that by giving children access to great tasting, hydrating water in the classroom through the zazen Alkaline Water System, and most importantly educating them on the importance of water in their lives, they get to experience how drinking quality water helps to improve the way they feel, behave and perform; we can enhance their health and wellbeing and all we have done is simply change the quality of the water they get to drink every day!  

And yes… children love the taste!

CLICK HEREfor The Facts about water being more than just H2O and the properties of water that support cellular hydration.

CLICK HERE to read all about our Community and School Program. 

Want to learn more?

Chat with one of our Hydration Experts now!

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