Alkaline water for your pet dogs & cats

Alkaline water for your pet dogs & cats

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  3. Alkaline water for your pet dogs & cats


Maintaining adequate hydration is a cornerstone of a healthy diet. Our bodies consist of approximately 55%-75% water, with our organs, muscle tissue, and overall systems requiring constant replenishment to ensure optimal functioning.


As adults, we not only need to manage our own intake, but we also need to deliver the best water to our children and wider family. But what about our pets? How often do we stop to consider the quality of their drinking water? After all, their physiology isn’t so different from our own, given their requirements for internal functions and replenishments.


And with the growing interest in the potential benefits of alkaline water, it is important to wonder whether alkaline water is also good for cats, dogs and other pets.


Best types of water for pets

To understand the best types of water for our pets, it is essential to first have an understanding of pH levels – a measurement scale ranging between 0 and 14 referring to the amount of acidity (0) and alkalinity (14) present in a substance.


As humans, our bodies have an average pH level of 7.4, just above neutral, denoting that we are balanced pH creatures. Our bodies enjoy a balanced pH just above neutral with certain parts of our system (our stomachs for example) more acidic and other parts (our pancreatic enzymes) more alkaline.  The body is amazing at being able to buffer each system and affect an overall stable state.  But here is the rub, any slight deviation on either side of the pH scale can have severe consequences for our long-term health. In comparison, most carnivorous or primarily meat-eating animals, such as our dogs and cats, will have a slightly more acidic pH level. In fact, a dog’s stomach will produce up to 100 times the acid as that of a human’s to break down the proteins and soften bones or gristle consumed.


Unfortunately, when a build-up of excess acidity makes its way into your pet's blood, a condition known as metabolic acidosis can arise, leading to issues such as nausea, fever, confusion, low blood pressure, and even vomiting.


Tap Water

Given its convenience, tap water is the most commonly offered type of water for cats and dogs, but there are concerns over its quality and true benefits. Based on the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, public water receives a treatment deeming it safe to consume, but there is still a risk of chemicals and compounds used in the treatment, as well as pollutants and contaminants causing issues with your pet’s health.


Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse osmosis is a process that creates ‘pure’ water – no pollutants or contaminants, but also none of the essential minerals and electrolytes needed for our internal functions. Over-consumption can lead to a deficit of these crucial elements in your pets.


Bottled Water

Purchasing bottled water is an expensive habit, so it might not be the best water for your pets if you are conscious of your budget. You also aren’t aware of everything present inside. There are also regulations in place for drinking standards, but again, there is no confirmation that the essential minerals are present for full cellular hydration.


Alkaline Water 

Whereas most water will hold a pH level of approximately 7 (a neutral balance between acidity and alkalinity), alkaline water will have a higher pH level of 8 or above. The potential benefits of alkaline water for dogs and cats largely stem from neutralising acid in their systems and mitigating associated adverse health effects.


Pet owners can find a consistent supply of balanced, mineralised, alkaline, water with the zazen Alkaline Water System. The system follows Mother Nature’s design by first filtering out contaminants and pollutants that may be present in the water, and then creating a remineralisation process to ensure the alkaline minerals and electrolytes needed for full hydration are present.


What are the benefits of alkaline water for pets?

Acid Neutralisation

Given the great amount of acidity generated within cats’ and dogs’ stomachs during digestion, there is a risk of acid reflux and exposure to associated health issues like esophagitis. Alkaline water can assist with bringing balance back to their pH levels.


Increased Energy Levels & Stamina

Dehydration results in a significant decline in the electrolytes and minerals required for optimal bodily functions, resulting in poorer performing muscles and cognitive ability. Alkaline water can reintroduce these minerals and greatly improve your cats’ and dogs’ wider energy levels and stamina.


Improved Appearance & Skin Health

Hormonal alopecia is not uncommon amongst cats and dogs, and proponents of alkaline water believe it can assist in the fight against the microbial growth that causes it. Additionally, alkaline water can minimise the stripping of acidic sebum, promoting stronger hair growth.


Greater Hydration

Alkaline water is said to have a smaller molecular structure than that found in tap water and other sources, allowing it to penetrate more deeply into muscle tissues and deliver greater cellular hydration. This alone can make it one of the best water choices for your pets.


Helps with Joint Issues 

Just like their owners, our dogs and cats will experience issues with their joints as they grow older. Alkaline water is said to help with the strength of cartilage, working to best prevent the pressure placed on our pets’ joints and mitigating the loss of their mobility.


Is alkaline water safe for all pets?

Alkaline water is widely considered to be a healthy option for all pets. In fact, it may be a preferable method to keeping your pet healthy and well hydrated. With potential benefits related to alkaline water for dogs and cats, such as improvements with digestion and the neutralisation of stomach acid, updating your pet’s source of water can make a marked improvement to their quality of life.


Can dogs drink alkaline water?

Yes, alkaline water is perfectly safe for dogs to drink. The minerals and electrolytes present within, as well as the unique structure, contribute to deeper hydration that assists in all internal functions and energy levels.


Can cats drink alkaline water?

Yes, cats can drink alkaline water. Some experts even believe that alkaline water may have a selection of health benefits for cats, given the higher pH level than regular tap water, helping balance acids in the body, helping to reduce inflammation, boost their immune system and providing protection against disease.


Tips to remember when giving alkaline water to your pets


  • Avoid offering them alkaline water alongside medication: Given the potential boost to your cat or dog’s metabolism by drinking alkaline water, their digestion will occur much faster. Medication needs to be released into the body at the prescribed rate. Aim to give medication with food rather than water.
  • Refrain from including highly alkaline water in the diets of nursing dogs: Animals absorb greater calcium levels when consuming alkaline water during nursing, which can lead to calciuria (excessive calcium in the urine). zazen Water is a more balanced mineralised approach and can be used in these instances.
  • Leave out alkaline water from their meals: Again, alkaline water slows digestion, which can cause issues during meals as it neutralises the necessary stomach acids required to process foods. Offer water away from meal times.


How much alkaline water should pets drink?

The amount of alkaline water suitable for pets will be determined by their wider diet, body weight and level of health. As such, it is recommended to speak with a professional and conduct your own research before determining which water source is best for your pets.