Water Ambassador School Gifting Program

How to get involved

zazen Water Ambassador School Gifting Program

zazen Water Ambassador School Gifting Program

The purpose of the zazen Water Ambassador School Gifting Program is to give primary school children free access to high quality water via the zazen Alkaline Water Filter System, educate them on the importance of proper hydration, and instil healthy water habits.

The program is funded 100% from the profits of our business; for every product we sell, a portion of the profits go towards this program.

To date, we have donated over $650,000 to the zazen Water Ambassador School Program at no cost to the schools or parents involved.

We currently have 46 active primary schools participating in our program, and look to add new schools into the program twice a year.

To understand how to get involved, please read through the list of questions below to learn what is required to participate. If it sounds like you, please contact us.

School Nomination Process

To achieve our mission of having the very best quality water available to primary school children, the zazen Water Ambassador School Program offers the following benefits to schools in our Program:

  1. 1 zazen Alkaline Water system is placed FREE into each primary school classroom that actively chooses to participate in the Program. 
  2. Ongoing replacement filters and stones are all provided to the school FREE – there is no ongoing cost to maintain the zazen Alkaline Water systems which are gifted to the school.

No, you may nominate a primary or Special Needs school if you are one of the following:

  1. A current zazen Water customer with children attending the primary school you are nominating.
  2. A zazen Natural Health Practitioner partner willing to support your local school.
  3. You work with Special Needs children in a care / educational facility and understand the benefits of the zazen Alkaline Water system.

No – there is no marketing or promotion of zazen Water products to the school or through the school to parents allowed by zazen Water, either directly or through any Natural Health Practitioner or Reseller associated with the school.

Yes - a primary school classroom is able to take personal responsibility for their zazen Water System and care for it as the teacher and students use the same classroom every day.

It is also the ideal age to teach children on the importance of water and hydration and the lessons provided by zazen.

If a school is chosen for the Water Ambassador School Program by zazen Water – up to 10 classrooms will receive a zazen Alkaline Water System unless otherwise agreed with the school. If the school has more than 10 classrooms, additional zazen Water Systems for the remaining classrooms will be reviewed annually at the request of the School.  

All System replacement parts are also supplied at no cost every 6 months to the school.  We do not place zazen Systems into common areas or staff rooms, only classrooms.

zazen Water as a small Social Business Enterprise do not have staff to manage each school or teach lessons. We rely on our local volunteers, parents, staff at the school etc. to assist us to do so.

As a nominee we ask that you are able to assist receive and setup the gift systems initially in all classrooms and teach a lesson on the “Secret of Water” to each classroom receiving a system.

Then every 6 months when replacement parts are due, to give the systems a clean and replace the filters and stones.  This is critical to the ongoing success of the zazen Water Ambassador School Program.

The zazen Water Ambassador School Program’s ongoing success is conditional on the following:

  1. Support by local parents who use and understand the zazen Alkaline Water system and its benefits – and can therefore assist with the management and cleaning of the systems (or a local Natural Health Practitioner with local knowledge).
  2. Commitment from the school Principal, Teachers and parents
  3. Commitment from the school to teach our basic “The Secret of Water” lesson and care for the systems in the classroom.

If the school qualifies and is enthusiastic and we have great local support then you can expect systems within 6 months depending on the time of year as we only gift twice per year, in 1st and 3rd terms. However this will be discussed once the nomination has been assessed.

zazen Water gift school systems twice a year (February at the beginning of Term 1 and August at the beginning of Term 3). Any school nominated is added to our nomination waiting list and the evaluation process is managed by Janet Parker our CEO and Co-founder.

Once applications are open, there will be a link to an online form on this page. Please complete the Water Ambassador School Program Application form, and Janet will contact you directly to discuss.

Applications reopening soon! Stay tuned!

$650,000+ Invested

21,000+ Children Hydrated

46+ Primary Schools On-board