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How Does Hydration & Nutrition Affect Brain Function And Mood?

One of the leading neurologists, Dr David Perlmutter stated in 2015 “ our digestive system is intimately connected to what goes on in the brain”. He is, of course, referring to our gut microbiome and there has since been an enormous body of research confirming and indeed furthering this statement.  We now know, what goes in our mouths will affect our brain function and our moods.  So, how  can we best support this essential mind body connection? 


Adrenal Fatigue - are you in fight, fright or freeze mode?


The Various Benefits of Staying Hydrated: From Healthier Skin to Improved Performance & Energy


Dehydration Fatigue: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

alkalinedehydrationImmune System

How Does An Alkaline Water Filter Work?


Recognising dehydration headaches


Dehydration in Babies, Newborn & Infants


The Early Signs, Symptoms and Effects Of Dehydration On Children