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How Does Hydration & Nutrition Affect Brain Function And Mood?
One of the leading neurologists, Dr David Perlmutter stated in 2015 “ our digestive system is intimately connected to what goes on in the brain”. He is, of course, referring to our gut microbiome and there has since been an enormous body of research confirming and indeed furthering this statement. We now know, what goes in our mouths will affect our brain function and our moods. So, how can we best support this essential mind body connection?
Adrenal Fatigue - are you in fight, fright or freeze mode?
25% of all GP visits in Australia are related in some way to fatigue or poor energy levels. Adrenal fatigue continues to be a widely discussed topic with people presenting to their primary health care providers with a range of symptoms often lasting over 12-18 months. Persistent fatigue is the most commonly associated symptom with adrenal fatigue.
The Various Benefits of Staying Hydrated: From Healthier Skin to Improved Performance & Energy
The human body is highly dependent on a steady supply of fresh water. It constitutes approximately 75% of a person’s body weight and should hold a selection of minerals and nutrients that fuel a range of essential functions and systems within us. Here, the team at zazen Water explores the benefits of drinking water and adequate hydration, as well as tips on how to stay hydrated.
Dehydration Fatigue: Signs, Symptoms & Treatment
We all live busy, fast-paced lives. Between juggling work and family commitments, not to mention squeezing in visits to the gym and a few social outings here and there, is it any wonder we can feel utterly exhausted at times? the rapid onset of fatigue from time to time?
How Does An Alkaline Water Filter Work?
What is an alkaline water filter? Well, a good alkaline water filter works to filter out potentially harmful contaminants like microplastics, chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria and chemicals while retaining essential life-sustaining natural electrolytes, turning your drinking water into alkaline mineral water that hydrates you quickly and efficiently at the cellular level.
Recognising dehydration headaches
Dehydration headaches are often mistaken for other types of common headaches, such as tension headaches or migraines, but they can prove a frequent and distressing problem for many adults and children who regularly fail to drink enough water.
Dehydration in Babies, Newborn & Infants
In the early months of their lives, newborns and babies stick to a purely liquid diet, either in the form of a bottle or breastfeeding. Given the amount and frequency they consume, it can be difficult to imagine they are ever dehydrated, but it can be very common.
The Early Signs, Symptoms and Effects Of Dehydration On Children
The human body consists of over 70% water, with even higher amounts in newborns. It is crucial for a variety of bodily functions including just to name a few; food digestion, waste and toxin removal, energy and cell regeneration, transporting of oxygen throughout the body and powering our immune systems.