Installation Instructions for all zazen Products

Need some help to setup or install your zazen Water Product?   Then this is the right place – just find your product below!

If you need additional assistance or have any other questions, please view all our Frequently Asked Questions on our Contact page or call AU:1300 78 24 25 and one of our team will assist you over the phone. Our office hours are 9am to 5pm Brisbane time, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

zazen Alkaline Water System

 Looking after your new zazen Alkaline Water System

zazen Shower Filter Range

View our FAQs on the zazen Shower Filter range

zazen Handset Shower Filter (no longer for sale)

zazen Raindrop Shower Filter (no longer for sale)

zazen Streamline Shower Filter

Water System Replacement Parts

  1. Remove your zazen Multi-Stage Filter Cartridge (which has O-Ring fitted) from packaging and protective wrap and prepare as follows:
    1. Fill a 2 litre jug or similar with clean cold water
    2. Submerge the Multi-Stage Filter Cartridge fully for 1 minute or until the air bubbles have stopped coming out of the filter.
    3. Take the filter out of the jug and hold over the sink.
    4. Pour about 2.5 litres of clean cold water slowly through the top of the filter. Make sure the water starts to run out the bottom. Knock the filter firmly against your hand several times during this rinse cycle to help clear any air bubbles, then continue to pour water through the filter.
  2. Remove your old Multi-Stage Filter Cartridge from the Cartridge Connector by unscrewing and place in your rubbish bin (do not recycle your old filter as toxins are trapped in the filter media).
  3. Screw your new Multi-Stage Filter Cartridge with O-Ring into the Cartridge Connector and place back into your system.
    Read about the zazen Multi-Stage Filter Cartridge Product

    Replacing a zazen Ceramic Filter

    1. With the zazen Ceramic Filter, gently wipe the new filter with a soft cloth under cold water.
    2. Remove your old Ceramic Filter and place in your recycle bin 
    3. Gently place the new Ceramic Filter into the top tank. Put seal and nut on the underside of the top tank and tighten.

    Cleaning a zazen Ceramic Filter

    It’s best to clean your Ceramic Filter on a weekly basis, or as required depending on your water quality.  Just very gently rub it clean with a soft cloth under cold running water to remove any orange/black/slimy residue that may have built up. You can use lemon juice or vinegar if you wish to whiten it – but NO detergents please.

    Read about the zazen Ceramic Filter Product

      Replacing zazen Silver Stones (red/brown stones)

    1. Rinse your new Silver Stones under cold water to remove any dust.
    2. Pick out the used Silver Stones (RED/BROWN), in your existing bottom tank and recycle in the garden or pond. In some systems, these may be in a plastic container. The BLUE/GREY stones are your Mineral Stones which last 5 years, simply leave these in your system. If you are replacing both your stones together – see below for instructions on replacing both sets of stones.
    3. Give the bottom tank a clean by removing the Mineral Stones (and Alkalinity Enhancers balls if you have them) and then filling with hot water and wiping with a soft cloth.
    4. Put the newly rinsed Silver Stones and your existing Mineral Stones back into your bottom tank and enjoy!
        Read about the zazen Silver Stones Product

        Replacing zazen Mineral Stones (blue/grey stones)

      1. Rinse your new Mineral Stones under cold water to remove any dust.
      2. Soak in a bowl of water for 48 hours, rinsing out and replacing the water in the bowl several times over this period. This helps to reduce the ‘minerally’ taste of the new stones in your system.
      3. Pick out the BLUE Mineral Stones in your existing bottom tank and recycle in the garden or pond. The RED stones are your Silver Stones which last 12 months. If you are replacing both your stones together – see below for instructions on replacing both sets of stones.
      4. Give your bottom tank a clean by removing the Silver Stones (RED stones) and Alkalinity Enhancer balls if you have them, and then filling with hot water and wiping with a soft cloth.
      5. Put the new soaked Mineral Stones and your existing Silver Stones back into your bottom tank and enjoy!
          Read about the zazen Mineral Stones Product

          Replacing both Silver Stones & Mineral Stones together

        1. Rinse your new Silver & Mineral Stones under cold water to remove any dust.
        2. Soak all the stones in a bowl of water for 48 hours, rinsing out and replacing the water in the bowl several times over this period. This helps to reduce the ‘minerally’ taste of the new stones in your system.
        3. Pick out all the existing Silver & Mineral Stones in your bottom tank and recycle in the garden or pond. 
        4. It’s a good time to give your bottom tank a clean by filling with hot water and wiping with a soft cloth.
        5. Put the newly soaked Silver & Mineral Stones into your bottom tank and enjoy!

          Replacing the zazen Alkalinity & Anti-Oxidant Enhancer (AAE)

        1. Rinse the Alkalinity & Anti-Oxidant Enhancer balls in cold clean water
        2. Remove any existing ones if you have them in your bottom tank
        3. Sprinkle the new Alkalinity balls into your bottom tank amongst the stones but away from the back of the magnetic tap.
            Read about the zazen Alkalinity & Anti-Oxidant Enhancer Product

          Fitting a zazen Magnetic Tap

          1. Place one of the silicon washers (B1) through the screw side of the tap (A) and push to the end so it sits flush against the base.
          2. Insert the tap through the hole in the bottom tank of your Water System. 
          3. Place the second silicon washer through the screw of the tap which is now on the inside of the lower tank. (B2)
          4. Screw the magnetic back (C) clockwise onto the tap and ensure it is firmly secure. Do not over tighten.
          zazen Magnetic Tap assembly

              Read about the zazen Magnetic Tap

          Shower Filter Replacement Parts

          Instructions for replacing the filter cartridge on a Handset Shower Filter (the shower with the hose attached) or Compact Shower Filter:

          1. Simply unscrew the head at the top of the Shower Filter anti-clockwise. Remove the existing cartridge – to do this gently push the cartridge to the side and it should lift out of place.
          2. Remove the stickers from the top and bottom of the new filter cartridge and place it inside and lock it into place. Screw the head of the Shower Filter back on tightly (clockwise) until it is secure.
          3. Run water through the  Shower Filter for 30 seconds to flush it and it is ready to use.
          4. You can recycle the old Shower Filter Cartridge as it is 100% recyclable.

              Instructions for replacing the filter cartridge on a Raindrop Shower Filter:
              Note: you will need a screwdriver to disassemble it.

            1. Unscrew the 6 screws in the holes evenly spaced around the showerhead using a screwdriver.
            2. Remove the existing cartridge – to do this gently push the cartridge to the side and it should lift out of place. Remove the stickers from the top and bottom of the new filter cartridge and put it into position.
            3. Ensure the black seal (already in the showerhead) is in place and gently secure the front and back of the showerhead together.
            4. The front piece of the showerhead will lock into place against the back piece of the showerhead. When you feel this lock, the screw holes are perfectly aligned. Now screw the 6 screws back together using the screwdriver.
            5. Run water through the Raindrop Shower Filter for 30 seconds to flush it and it is ready to use.
            6. You can recycle the old Shower Filter Cartridge as it is 100% recyclable.

                Instructions for replacing the filter cartridge on a Streamline Shower Filter:

              1. With the zazen Streamline Shower Filter, simply unscrew the filter chrome outer case clockwise and remove the existing shower filter cartridge by pulling it firmly out of place.
              2. Place the new filter cartridge inside. 
              3. Now gently screw the chrome outer case anti-clockwise so it is tightly secure.
              4. Run water through the Streamline Shower Filter for 30 seconds to flush it and it is ready to use.
              5. You can recycle the old Shower Filter Cartridge as it is 100% recyclable.